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Thanks to the failure of our schools, coaching
centres have become a thriving business. Many good teachers from reputed
schools left their jobs and opened such tutoring outlets which are much more
profitable than being a school teacher with a limited income. With students in
multiple batches throughout the day, the average income of a tutor is at least
1 lakh per month. For a science teacher, it can be as much as 2.5 lakh, I am
told. But parents don’t mind paying extra for private tuition even after paying
high tuition fees for schools since the extra lessons pay off.
So, what is shadow education
Supplemental, privately-funded academic
lessons outside of school.
Like a shadow, it parallels features of
public schooling such as curricula, mastery of core subjects, examinations and
global phenomenon that occurs in all
nations with national levels of participation ranging between 10 to over 80
Japan is highly institutionalized
with 80 percent of students involved,
and more than 60 percent participating more than twice a week.
What is shadow education?
Supplementary private tutoring
Shadow education does not include
non-academic lessons such as music, the arts or athletics.
Shadow education takes many forms. It
can be
– One-to-one
– as
informal as a senior student teaching a junior student or
– a
teacher tutoring a student or group of students; or, - both small group or
large group
– Inside
school and outside the school – coaching class
– it
can be something more formalized and complex such as organized learning
Possible exam question
Why shadow education is growing
only in school education? Do you think shadow education is necessary? Give your
Issues example
Difference in teaching techniques
in mainstream class and tuition class
What are the strategies of teachers
in teaching main class and tuition class?
What kinds of learning
opportunities and resources teachers provide in main class and tuition class?